Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Virtual NES http://virtualnes.com/

As mentioned in the title, this is a website that provides emulated NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) games for free and lets people to play it directly in the browser. It uses Java in order to play...

Come, play and relived the days when you play original Mario Brothers, Legend Of Kage, Contra etc.

It provides 380 English Language Games,100 Japanese Language Games, 10 Prototype Games, 25 Unlicensed Games and 15 Miscellaneous Games (at the time this post is written).

Control is easy, uses directional keys to move, B button is Z and A button is X, while Start is Enter and Select is Control (Ctrl).

Thanks to ma good ol friend Dewa of Isman Fairburn The Architect of Fate for linking me to this fun site.

1 comment:

tuhu said...

Mario Bros, aduhhh jadi inget waktu kecil. Jueng jueng so last year gitu loh hahahahaha